From their eyes... <3

                The Bikinians are the natives of this suffering island. Bikini Atoll has been used ever since early 1900's as an Atom bomb testing island. The military said, "Its for the good of mankind and to end all world wars." These innocent natives had no idea what was happening to them but all they knew is that they had to leave their island. Also that what ever was left on the island would not be theirs anymore. These understandable islanders gave up their culture by allowing the military to use their island for testing purposes. They were truly unsure what was happening and very confused.
               The Bikinians are very kind people and they used to live on a beautiful island(Bikini Atoll) then America came  and conducted "OPERATION CROSSROADS". It required all the Bikinians Natives to leave their land. Micronesia, which means SMALL ISLANDS is the Pacific ocean and it lies next to Melanesia THE DARK ISLANDS and Polynesia THE MANY ISLANDS...                    

                America wanted to make sure that they documented this event. In this case they recording it using 104 stand camera's and 218 motion pictures. They had to redo scenes to make the documentary perfect and when they did the scene's over and over the Bikinians became even more confused! This was overall a really bad experience for them and it still is they could use supplies for school, money, and more. Please contact
  [email protected] for more information on how you can help!                                                                                                                                  
                In the eyes of the Bikinians, everything is different. What happened to them will scar them for the rest of their lives both literally and nonliterary or in a emotional way. Unlike what the the Americans said they didn't want to cooperate they wanted to stay on their island but the Americans wouldn't listen to them. They were to oblivious to notice their feelings because they to caught up in conquering. So the Bikinians left their Paradise. In Kili all the houses were squished together which the Bikinians weren't used to because in Bikini the houses were far apart so. The Bikinians had got along very well that way because they would have personal time since the houses were far apart. being close together made it hard to get along very well. Since they were close together everyone could see what their neighbor was doing. Kili was only a mile long. They had to keep all the houses closes to not take up to much room. Also they were scared of an evil spirit known as Litobora. So they remained close together for protection. Now Bikini Atoll is safe enough to set foot on. It still has levels of radiation but it is livable their. But their food and water source is still contaminated and non eatable. King Juda , the leader of all Bikinians is very frustrated. he says the Americans keep talking about all the ways this could be fixed
but every time he comes back to Bikini the poison is still there! When is it evry going to be gone. He is going to die soon and he wont be able to ever see his paradise in the same way ever again. Do you see what we have caused, we as Americans have caused. Put youself in their shoes.